The Legend of the Moor's Heads
According to legend, during the Arab domination in Sicily, a beautiful girl lived in Palermo, in the Arab neighborhood Al Hàlisah (today Kalsa). While, as usual, she was taking care of the plants on her balcony, she was noticed by a Moor who immediately fell in love with her, making no secret of it.
The girl, struck by so much feeling, reciprocated the young man's love.
Unfortunately, one day he discovered that the Moro had a wife and children in his land.
Betrayed and her honor offended, she waited for the night to carry out her revenge.
As soon as he fell asleep she killed him, cut off his head, made a vase of it and planted basil in it and put it on display outside on the balcony.
Only in this way would the dark-haired man remain with her forever.
Since then the custom of building terracotta vases, "graste" in the shape of a dark brown's head.